
ボディ・イン・ホワイト(BIW) エンジニア
AutoFormのソフトウェアは、大手企業から中小企業まで数百社に上るお客様に最高のTCO(総保有コスト、Total Cost of Ownership)を提供しています。特別なハードウェアを必要とせず、一般的なコンピュータ上で動作するように最適化されています。また主なCADシステムと互換性があり、部署や職務を問わず社内のどのような方にでも簡単にご使用いただけます。簡単なソフトウェアの研修ですぐに生産性を上げることも可能です。
金型開発と材料のコスト計算は、個人または商用目的で開発されたMicrosoft Excelのワークシートを使って行われるのが現在の主流です。この方法では、部品や金型に関するさまざまな情報をユーザーが手入力するため、膨大な時間と労力がかかります。さらにその計算はユーザーの主観的な判断に基づくことが多く、透明性や再現性に欠けます。
このソリューションは、工程計画の担当者や金型設計者を対象にしています。 プレス成形工程全体を迅速かつ効率的に設定でき、工程の修正や異なる工程設計検討および評価により工程計画や金型設計の最適化が可能です。スピーディにして高精度、そしてロバストなプレス成形工程に影響を及ぼすバラツキを検討する、完璧なコンビネーションのシミュレーション技術です。このソリューションは、極めて優れた機能群によって、すべてパラメータ化された金型形状を、迅速かつ高品質に作成することができます。 CAD-システムとAutoFormソフトウェアのシームレスでインタラクティブな統合は、ダイ・フェースの開発スピードを大幅に向上させます。
- 品質仕様に適合した部品のプレス成形を数千回重ねるうちに、不良品発生率が突然上昇することがあります。例:コイル交換の直後から部品が品質許容値を外れるようになったなど。
- プレス成形工程を絶え間なく調整する必要があり、生産目標に届かないことがある。例:プレス・パラメータの微妙な修正(潤滑剤、ブランクホルダ力など)、部品の特性(丸みを帯びたエッジなど)によるプレス成形工程の不安定化など。
AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus enables users to quickly and easily evaluate part and process feasibility as well as determine blank shape, material utilization and blank cost. By using AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus, product designers and engineers as well as process and die-face designers can achieve better product design, improved initial quality and reliable long-term design performance. The software allows them to reduce not only development and manufacturing costs but also total time to market.
AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus provides valuable feedback on key stamping quality issues, such as risks of splitting and excess thinning, potential for wrinkling and developed blank shape with its associated material costs. The software can be applied based on part geometry alone, with added simple assumptions for tooling or with full tool geometry during the process definition and evaluation phases.
In the simplest application, AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus is used for early feasibility evaluations based on part geometry alone, without considering tool geometry. For these analyses, the software allows the user to modify the part and, when needed, automatically generate a blankholder surface and a schematic addendum. This results in a much more reliable blank prediction in comparison with a blank determination based solely on the part geometry.
In a more advanced usage, forming analysis and blank development are performed based on the draw-die 3D geometry created by AutoForm-DieDesignerplus. With a plausible die face, AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus quickly identifies potential formability issues and determines blank shape, material utilization and blank cost.
The AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus software provides the possibility to compute and to optimize embedding and nesting. When these blank calculations are coupled with AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus, a balance between material and production costs is further made possible.
When applied from early on in the part design cycle, AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus delivers significant benefits in terms of robust part manufacturability and performance. Its application leads to the continuous improvement of part design quality as well as to the significant reduction in total cost and time of part production.
AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus software allows a wide range of AutoForm users to rapidly define alternative stamping processes and to evaluate their viability. The resulting process plans lead to the production of quality and cost effective parts within the guidelines and standards of their manufacturing operations.
Users of AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus include planners and cost estimators early in the planning and bidding phases, as well as engineers later in the methods engineering and production planning phases.
Planners and cost estimators use AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus to generate basic process plans using 3D CAD part data, in order to estimate tooling and piece costs.
Methods and stamping engineers use AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus to generate more refined process plans that reflect additional product and process details. They use the software to evaluate, revise and document their process concepts. For these engineers, AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus spans the gap between conventional static 2D standard process concepts and 3D die layout models.
AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus automatically detects the geometry features (e.g. flanges, holes, edges) of the input CAD part data. Users can then rapidly create alternative process concepts. For example, they can define the stamping process steps that conform to the simplest process possible, or propose alternative processes to best address quality or cost goals.
The features of AutoForm-CostEstimatorplus and AutoForm-StampingAdviserplus are now integrated in AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus. As a result, users can estimate tooling and piece costs, optimize blank utilization and nesting, and assess manufacturability of parts.
AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus also allows for the direct viewing and editing of proposed trim curves, press orientation and cam angles. The created process plan is immediately available as the basis for process engineering within AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus, to guide the creation of required die face and simulation inputs. 3-dimensional representation of the process definition is available for export to CAD environments, for further die layout and die design activities.
Throughout the process engineering phase, as the die face and forming process are adjusted, AutoForm-ProcessPlannerplus enables the definition and editing of these alternative processes, ensuring that as the process matures so does the documented intent of the process plan.
AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus allows for rapid and easy simulation setup and evaluation of the most important result variables relevant to the forming process calculated by AutoForm-Solverplus. Process planners and process engineers can easily define and evaluate in detail a manufacturing process intended for the sheet metal part production.
Efficient simulation setup with AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus is provided by an easy to understand workflow-based navigation concept. It allows for the definition of all relevant process and simulation parameters so that the engineering workflow can be fully and authentically mapped into the simulation data.
With AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus, interpreting results can be carried out quickly and easily. Semi-automatic issue identification facilitates and speeds up the identification of stamping issues as well the types of issues and their locations. The user is led frame-by-frame to critical areas that require attention and thereby prevents any possible misinterpretations or oversights. Users can then track the progression of identified issues and quickly compare them by using synchronized multi-design views.
In addition, the software allows for draw-in evaluation by measuring the distance between the original blank boundary curve and the boundary curve of the drawn-in part, which leads to optimized material utilization.
The stamping process affects the surface appearance and thus influences surface quality. AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus enables easy visualization of surface imperfections by digital stoning method. This method emulates the back and forth scratching of a stone block on a stamped outer panel.
AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus fully supports the usage and management of company standards. The software also notifies the user of any deviations from the standard and thus ensures that work undertaken is consistent and in compliance with the defined norms and standards.
The AutoForm-Sigmaplus software module is specialized for analyzing and improving the robustness of sheet metal products and processes. It serves to improve and validate the forming process, and to reduce or eliminate part rejects.
With AutoForm-Sigmaplus, products and processes can be designed so that the resulting manufacturing process is most efficient and stable while meeting desired quality targets. The influence and sensitivity of design parameters are easily analyzed which leads to improved process know-how and shorter development times. In addition, statistical process control techniques can already be applied in the design phase, taking into account the noise and variability that are inherent in the forming process. Therefore, sheet metal formers can address and solve key manufacturing problems much before going into production, with obvious advantages.
AutoForm-DieDesignerplusは金型設計全体へリンクされたモデルに基づくため、設計者は中間工程だけではなく最終的な部品形状までも簡単かつ効率的に修正できます。修正を行うと、すべての工程の金型形状とトライアウト・シミュレーションの入力が、即座に自動更新されます。 最適なダイフェース設計が決定したら、CADシステムへサーフェスをエクスポートし、作業を続行することができます。
AutoForm-DieDesignerplus enables feasibility engineers, process planners and tool makers to rapidly create alternative die face designs for the complete sheet metal forming process. The selected die face design is used to automatically generate the tools required for tryout simulations with AutoForm-Solverplus and is then followed by a results evaluation with AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus.
AutoForm-DieDesignerplus is mainly used in the process engineering phase to rapidly generate die face designs for deep drawing tools. Its clear and logical structure enables users to work step-by-step, from the import of CAD part geometry to the complete die face design. These steps include filleting of sharp edges, easy part radii modifications, determination of tip-angle, filling of holes, part modifications, binder and addendum (outer and inner) design, over-crowning, design of the fill surface between double-attached parts, wiper and form tools, development of flanges and evaluation of trim angles.
With AutoForm-DieDesignerplus the user has in-depth understanding and can validate the process layout as well as sheet behavior during multiple operations. These operations include not only deep drawing, but also all subsequent forming and trimming steps. As a result, process planners can generate multiple, alternative tooling concepts in a short amount of time as well as select the best one with regard to function, quality, time and cost requirements.
Precise geometry modeling in AutoForm-DieDesignerplus is achieved through morphing technology. By modifying wall angles, unfolding part areas and performing in-plane modification of part details while keeping the regions outside of the morphing untouched, the user can easily evaluate the best tooling concept and optimize the process.
AutoForm-DieDesignerplus is based on a fully associatively linked model of the entire die layout, which allows the user to easily modify intermediate operations as well as the final part geometry. When such modifications are made, the tooling geometries of all operations and the input for tryout simulation are automatically and instantly updated. As soon as an optimal die face design is determined, surfaces can be exported and processed further in any CAD system.
Since tooling of the entire forming process is easily and consistently defined, AutoForm-DieDesignerplus significantly improves tool quality and reduces development time in the early phase of process engineering.
クイック・ヘミングは、絞りおよび成形工程のダイ・レイアウトがまだ確立されていない、製品開発や製造計画の初期段階にて使用します。 フランジ加工後のCAD部品形状が、シミュレーションで必要な入力情報です。クイック・ヘミングの利点は、製造可能な部品を検討する上で、複数のシミュレーションを実行できるため、様々なヘミング・コンセプトや形状修正を迅速に検討できることです。
AutoForm-HemPlannerplus enables users to easily define and optimize the hemming operation. The accuracy of the hemming operation is very important since it affects surface appearance and surface quality. Material deformations, which occur during the hemming process, can lead to dimensional variations and other typical hemming defects, including splits and wrinkles in the flange, material overlaps in the corner areas and material roll-in.
With AutoForm-HemPlannerplus, definition of the hemming process is streamlined since the design of tool active faces is no longer merely based on experience and the costly principle of trial and error. AutoForm-HemPlannerplus supports roll, conventional die and table top hemming. Depending on the product development process phase, AutoForm-HemPlannerplus supports two use cases, namely quick and advanced hemming.
Quick hemming is used in the early stages of product development and production planning, when the die layout of the drawing and forming operations is still not available. The CAD geometry of the flanged as well as hemmed parts provides the main input for the design of the hemming operation. The advantage of quick hemming is that multiple simulations can be run in order to rapidly evaluate various process concepts and possible geometry modifications that will result in manufacturable parts.
Advanced hemming is used in process engineering when the detailed definition of the drawing and forming operations is available. The accuracy of simulation results is increased by taking into account the history of material deformation accumulated throughout the previous manufacturing operations. Advanced hemming is used to validate the selected hemming concept, i.e. validate the design of the clamping fixture, check if the spring supported roller follows the predefined trajectory, evaluate the potential hemming defects as well as predict full assembly springback. These information form the basis for compensation of inner and outer parts as well as any adjustments of the hemming equipment.
金型面はスプリングバックと反対方向に補正されます。金型面全体または選択した複数の領域を修正できます。“direct”では、形状補正が行われ、 “fixed”では、補正は行いません。そして“fixed draft”は、曲げフランジや絞り壁のための拘束された補正領域となります。このように複数の領域を定義することで、分析的に補正をコントロールすることが可能です。
AutoForm-Compensatorplus allows users to automatically modify tooling surfaces based on precise springback calculation. Engineers can easily define compensation regions, which the software automatically adjusts using the springback results. The compensated geometry is then used for rapid and accurate tooling validation.
The die faces are compensated in the opposite direction of springback. Either the entire tooling surface or selected regions may be modified. Different regions can be defined within the tool: direct, which is compensated directly; fixed, which remains unchanged; and fixed draft, which serves as a constrained compensation region for wiper flanges and draw walls. Defining these different regions allows engineers to systematically control compensation.
The compensated tooling geometry is automatically used as input for the next simulation. Final part geometry within the required tolerances is achieved with a minimum of correction loops. The engineer’s work is therefore reduced to a minimum.
Springback compensation is carried out during the tool development phase to improve part and tool quality before the real tryout phase begins. This procedure results in improved planning reliability in die development, tool shop and tryout. The risk of later, costly changes to tooling or process is thereby minimized. The application of AutoForm-Compensatorplus substantially reduces time and cost in engineering and tryout.
これは部品形状から金型原価計算を始めるまったく新しい手法です。金型原価に影響を与える各部品の詳細は、自動的に生産順序と関連付けられます。定義した生産順序を基に、ワンクリックで金型原価を計算でき、詳細で透明なコスト構造が実現します。 工程計画の策定者と原価計算担当者は、複数の生産コンセプトの代替案を分析的に評価し、最適コストの生産工程を一度きりで迅速に特定できます。このソフトウェアの感動的なスピードと使いやすさにより、金型原価計算を大幅にスピードアップすることができます。
AutoForm-CostEstimatorplus is designed for OEMs and tooling suppliers to estimate tooling costs early in the planning and bidding phases. It enables users to rapidly calculate tooling costs for automotive sheet metal parts, based on possible process plans.
AutoForm-CostEstimatorplus represents a completely new approach for calculating tooling costs based on the CAD part geometry. AutoForm software automatically associates each part detail which has an impact on tooling costs, to a production step. With just a few mouse clicks, AutoForm-CostEstimatorplus calculates tooling costs based on the defined production sequence. Therefore, users can systematically evaluate alternative production concepts and rapidly identify the most cost-effective one. The software’s speed and ease-of-use significantly reduce the time required for estimating tooling costs.
The automatic detection of part geometry features and the costing engine embedded in AutoForm-CostEstimatorplus are ideal replacements for conventional Excel-based worksheets and tedious, manual calculations.
More consistently, more reliably and more rapidly – AutoForm-CostEstimatorplus produces tooling cost estimates based on your CAD part data and stamping process.
AutoForm-DieAdviserplus determines the optimal tool layout and efficient wear protection concept, based on AutoForm-Solverplus simulation results. The durability of tool materials, hardening and tool coating are defined taking the production quantity and press stroke rate into account. This innovative and unique software, offers new insights on how to improve tool layout early in the product development process and how to provide longer lasting and lower cost tooling. Using AutoForm-DieAdviserplus, the customers in the tool design and stamping fields can meet the modern challenges: introduction of new materials such as ultra-high-strength steels, requirements for higher press stroke rates and less lubricant consumption.
AutoForm-Solverplus enables rapid and accurate simulation of the entire stamping process including drawing and secondary operations as well as springback. The simulation of stamping processes by AutoForm-Solverplus combined with the results evaluation by AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus provide the user with all the necessary information to design the process. AutoForm-Solverplus simulates line and progressive die stamping as well as hemming processes.
AutoForm-Trimplusは最適なブランク・ライン、トリム・ラインを検討するためにAutoForm-Solverplus と組み合わせて使用し、トリム金型のトライアウトとブランク・ラインの決定に使用するツールです。このソフトウェアでは、絞り型とトリム型を同時に設計できます。
図: 絞り後の製品およびトリムライン;トリムされた部品;リストライク部品と必要な部品境界(黄色)およびAutoForm-Trimplusによる初回の反復処理前のトリム・ライン(グレー) リストライク部品と必要な部品境界およびAutoForm-Trimplusによる最後の反復処理後の最適化されたトリム・ライン。
AutoForm-Trimplus in combination with AutoForm-Solverplus is an essential tool for the determination of blank outlines and for the tryout of trimming dies used to find the optimum trim line. The software enables users to design trimming tools simultaneously with the draw die.
The figure illustrates: Drawn part with trim line; Trimmed part; Restricken part with the desired part boundary (yellow) and trim line before initial AutoForm-Trimplus iteration (gray); Restricken part with the desired part boundary and trim line after final AutoForm-Trimplus iteration.
Optimum trim line is necessary for multi-operation stamping process. The trim line is optimized to ensure that the desired shape and dimensions of the part boundary are obtained at the end of those operations which follow the trimming operation. AutoForm-Trimplus automatically adjusts the trim line to remove or add sheet metal until the desired part boundary is achieved.
Optimum blank outline is necessary for near-net-shape manufacturing (crash forming). The blank outline is optimized to ensure that the desired shape and dimensions of the part boundary are obtained at the end of the crash forming process. The advantage of AutoForm-Trimplus over an inverse one-step simulation, which can also be used to find the blank outline, is the consideration of not only one, but several forming steps and results in much greater accuracy.
AutoForm-ThermoSolverplusは焼き入れと冷却工程を含む、直接および間接工法による熱間プレスをサポートします。この革新的なソフトウェアは、相変態中の熱膨張と容積および変態塑性ひずみをも考慮します。さらに、AutoForm-ThermoSolverplusは、新ユーザー・インターフェースに完全に統合されており、板厚分布、ひずみ – 応力分布といった最終的な部材特性、さらにはオーステナイト、フェライト、パーライト、ベイナイトとマルテンサイト、および材料硬化といった異なる材料フェーズをグラフィカルに表示します。
AutoForm-ThermoSolverplus enables users to realistically simulate hot forming and quenching processes. These processes have recently become important for the automotive industry in order to meet specific requirements regarding a higher level of crash safety and a reduction of overall weight. Components with high strength, challenging geometrical complexity and minimized springback effects can thereby be engineered in shorter time and at lower cost.
AutoForm-ThermoSolverplus supports direct and indirect hot forming, which are both followed by the quenching and cooling processes. This innovative software takes into account phase transformation during quenching and thermal distortion after cooling. In addition, AutoForm-ThermoSolverplus allows for the graphical display of the final part properties, such as thickness distribution, strain-stress distribution as well as the distribution and percentage of different material phases, such as austenite, ferrite, pearlite, bainite and martensite, and the resulting hardness.
The software allows engineers better insight into the effects of phase transformation as well as better control over the resulting mechanical properties of the hot-formed part. Also, the tailored tempering process can be simulated, thus enabling the engineering of stamped parts with targeted local strength properties. Based on the results of AutoForm-ThermoSolverplus, crash simulation accuracy can be improved by taking the real strength distribution of the hot-formed component into account.
With AutoForm-ThermoSolverplus, car manufacturers and suppliers can reliably design and engineer the processes of hot-stamped parts for their new vehicles, such as A- and B-pillars, tunnels, front and rear bumper beams, side rail members, door beams or roof rails.
AutoForm-Presenterplus allows the user to open, share and view AutoFormplus files created either in-house or externally. The user can safely review AutoFormplus input files and results without the risk of overwriting or changing the consistency between them. The software allows for detailed viewing of the defined process input and the subsequent metal forming results.
With AutoForm-Presenterplus, the user can access, view and evaluate imported data, material file data, die face geometry and related parameters as well as visualize simulation results at any time computed for the stamping process. This software provides a dynamic format for the user to easily discuss and share design concepts, forming process plans and results.
Files created by AutoFormplus software are made portable with AutoForm-Presenterplus. They can be reviewed easily at any place or time without occupying valuable production licenses. In addition, previously identified stamping issues can be compared to determine if the process has been improved in subsequent iterations. The software also allows the user to evaluate whether results are consistent and in compliance with the standards defined for an organization.
AutoForm Hydroは、チューブ・ハイドロフォーミング工程の迅速な金型設計およびシミュレーションを直感的なユーザー・インターフェースにより簡単に行うことができるソフトウェア・ソリューションです。AutoForm Hydroを使うことで、部品の複雑さ、部品の品質および新たな素材の採用などの高まり続ける要求を満たし、かつ、プロセスの複雑化および多様化に対応することができます。
このソフトウェア・ソリューションによって、曲げ、プリフォーミング、ハイドロフォーミング、アニーリング、キャリブレーション、カットおよびスプリングバックなどすべての工程ステップを含むハイドロフォーミング工程の完全な仮想トライアウトを実施できます。初期部品形状から、AutoForm Hydroを使って迅速にすべての必要な金型形状を作成できるほか、ハイドロフォーミング部品の成形工程全体のシミュレーションと評価が可能です。AutoForm Hydroは、部品設計者、工程設計者、および金型メーカーが、ハイドロフォーミングの金型設計および工程設計の評価に使用できます。
高強度鋼などの困難な材料を使用するケースが増える中、部品のハイドロフォーミング時のスプリングバックの不具合の分析がさらに重要になってきています。AutoForm Hydroでは、正確なスプリングバックのシミュレーションと、あらゆる成形工程ステップ後のスプリングバックの評価が可能です。さらに、AutoForm Hydroを使って、高圧、マルチステップ高圧、または(低)予圧ハイドロフォーミング技術を使ったハイドロフォーミング工程全体のシミュレーションおよび評価が可能で、最適なものを選択できます。
このソフトウェア・ソリューションで、ハイドロフォーミング工程全体を総合的かつ詳細に把握し、検証できます。AutoForm Hydroは、企業に開発期間の短縮、金型/材料/生産コストの削減、および工程の信頼性の向上といったメリットをもたらします。
AutoForm Hydro is an easy-to-use and highly intuitive software solution for rapid tool design and simulation of tube hydroforming processes. With AutoForm Hydro, users are equipped to meet the increasing demands regarding part complexity, part quality and implementation of new materials as well as the increased complexity and variety of processes.
This software solution enables the user to carry out a complete virtual tryout of the hydroforming process which involves all of the process steps, such as bending, preforming, hydroforming, annealing, calibration, cutting and springback. Starting from the initial part geometry, AutoForm Hydro allows users to rapidly generate all necessary tool geometries as well as to simulate and evaluate the complete forming process of hydroformed parts. AutoForm Hydro is used by part designers, process engineers as well as tool and die makers to evaluate hydroforming tool designs and process layouts.
With the increasing usage of challenging materials, such as high strength steels, the analysis of springback issues when hydroforming parts is becoming more and more important. AutoForm Hydro enables accurate springback simulation and evaluation of springback after any forming process step. In addition, AutoForm Hydro enables the simulation and evaluation of the entire hydroforming process, either by high, multi step high or (low) multi pressure hydroforming technologies, which allows the user to select the best of them.
This software solution provides a comprehensive in-depth understanding and validation of the entire hydroforming process. With AutoForm Hydro, companies can benefit from shorter development times, reduced tooling, material and production costs as well as improved process reliability.
AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIAは、AutoFormの専門であるプレス成形工程と、工程設計者の要件をもとに設計された強力なサーフェス作成ツールを組み合わせたものです。AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIAでは、専用のサーフェス・コマンドを通じて、CATIA V5環境にて、深絞りやすべての次工程目を含むダイフェース・レイアウトを迅速に作成できます。.
タスクと工程の依存関係を事前定義すると、工程全体が自動更新され、エラーを防止できます。対応する設定や機能によって、どの工程でも金型を見込み補正できます。見込み補正は、マニュアル操作またはAutoForm-Compensatorplusを使って実行できます。作成したすべてのサーフェスは、クラス Aのサーフェス要件を満たし、そのまま機械加工に使用できます。
AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA combines AutoForm’s expertise in sheet metal forming processes with powerful surfacing tools designed according to process designer requirements. Through dedicated surfacing commands, AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA enables the user to quickly create a die face layout, including deep drawing and all secondary operations, directly in the CATIA V5 environment.
Once the part geometry is available in CATIA, the predefined standardized process guides the user from part preparation to die face generation. User-friendly prompt windows assist the designer when entering the data and with the real-time analysis feature, values can be immediately checked for consistency and feasibility.
Predefined dependencies between tasks and operations allow for the automatic update of the entire process and prevent errors. Corresponding settings and features are available to compensate tools in any operation. Compensation can be carried out manually or with AutoForm-Compensatorplus. All generated surfaces fulfill class A surface requirements and can immediately be used for CNC machining.
AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA is the result of an innovative, unique and quality-oriented approach in process design which improves and facilitates daily work in tool design departments.
プレス成形部品設計者にとって必要不可欠なツールキットであるAutoForm-OneStepforCATIAは、CATIA V5環境に初めて完全に統合されたAutoFormソフトウェア・モジュールです。CATIAに組み込まれたOneStep Feasibilityワークベンチには、部品の割れと板厚減少の可能性をリリース前にすばやく評価し、対策を行うために必要なすべての機能がまとめられています。AutoForm-OneStepforCATIAにより、CATIA V5 GPSモジュールを使用してひずみと板厚を詳細に評価できます。
AutoForm-OneStepforCATIA, an essential toolkit for sheet metal product designers, is the first AutoForm software module that is fully integrated into the CATIA V5 environment. Embedded within CATIA, the OneStep Feasibility workbench brings together all functionality necessary for quickly assessing and counter measuring potential splits and thinning on product prior to its release. AutoForm-OneStepforCATIA enables detailed strain and thickness evaluations through CATIA V5 GPS module.
AutoFormQuickLink for CATIA
AutoForm-QuickLinkforCATIAは、 AutoFormplus と CATIA間の相互運用性を強化します。工程設計部門は、社内外の部門とのより効率的なコラボレーションを通して作業効率を高めることができます。
AutoForm-QuickLinkforCATIA ensures seamless data flow between AutoFormplus and CATIA. As a result, process design departments are able to enhance their work efficiency through more effective collaboration with both in-house and external departments.
AutoForm-QuickLinkforCATIA enables users to easily export the process data from AutoFormplus into the CATIA environment. The exported data includes: concept geometry data such as surfaces (die, form and wiper tools), curves (profiles, drawbead lines and material zones) and points (pilot, sphere and spacer groups and clamps), project information, material information such as name and thickness, as well as process information such as operations, positioning and cam direction. In addition, users can export results such as formcheck and simulation results.
Based on the imported process data, AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA allows users to rapidly design the process, in particular to generate CAD quality surfaces in the CATIA environment. Process design results generated in the CATIA environment can then be easily exported for the final validation in AutoFormplus.
Due to the automatic and consistent naming of imported and exported features, AutoForm-QuickLinkforCATIA leads to a significant speedup of the CAD design process and efficiently prevents errors which may occur during manual import and export operations. AutoForm-QuickLinkforCATIA ensures efficient data exchange and improves data consistency, transparency and usability.
AutoFormQuickLink for NX
AutoForm-QuickLinkforNXは、AutoFormplus と NX間の相互運用性を強化します。工程設計部門は、社内外の部門とのより効率的なコラボレーションを通して作業効率を高めることができます。
取り込み、そして出力されるデータの一貫性は完全に保証されるため、マニュアル操作によるデータ交換に比べ、人的エラーを未然に防ぎCADにおける設計プロセスを大幅に改善します。 AutoForm-QuickLinkforNXは、効率的なデータ交換を実現し、データの一貫性、透明性と使い勝手を改善します。
AutoForm-QuickLinkforNX ensures seamless data flow between AutoFormplus and NX. As a result, process design departments are able to enhance their work efficiency through more effective collaboration with both in-house and external departments.
AutoForm-QuickLinkforNX enables users to easily export the process data from AutoFormplus into the NX environment. The exported data includes: concept geometry data such as surfaces (die, form and wiper tools), curves (profiles, drawbead lines and material zones) and points (pilot, sphere and spacer groups and clamps), project information, material information such as name and thickness, as well as process information such as operations, positioning and cam direction. In addition, users can export simulation results.
Based on the imported process data, the user can further design the process, in particular generate CAD quality surfaces using NX native functionalities. Process design results generated in the NX environment can then be easily exported for the final validation in AutoFormplus.
Due to the automatic and consistent naming of imported and exported features, AutoForm-QuickLinkforNX leads to a significant speedup of the CAD design process and efficiently prevents errors which may occur during manual import and export operations. AutoForm-QuickLinkforNX ensures efficient data exchange and improves data consistency, transparency and usability.
EasyBlankソフトウェアの目的は、プレス成形部品の3D CADファイルからブランク形状を計算することです。計算されたブランク形状はネスト化され、最適化されてコイル設計に組み込まれます。また、ブランク形状により、プレス金型設計・検証プロジェクトの材料コストが見積もられます。
このソフトウェアは無料でダウンロードして使用することができます。結果はIGS CAD形式で即座に購入でき、詳細なレポートが添付されます。このレポートを購入することで、結果を商用目的で使用できます。
AutoForm offers an e-commerce solution to target the needs of small and mid-sized enterprises worldwide, and promotes the benefits of simulation technology to the stamping industry.
The purpose of the EasyBlank software is to calculate blank shapes from 3D CAD files of sheet metal stamped parts. The calculated blank shape is then nested and optimized into a coil layout, estimating material costs for sheet metal tooling projects.
EasyBlank uses a one step calculation to turn complex 3D part designs into flat patterns, in just seconds. The entire process, from CAD import to results on the screen, typically takes less than three minutes.
The software is free to download and use. The results can be instantly purchased in IGS CAD format and are accompanied by a detailed report. Buying the report gives the customer the right to use the results for commercial purposes.
The reports contain detailed information on material consumption, thinning distribution of the part, blank outline and optimal nesting layout. The benefits for the user are early cost analysis, minimization of material costs, usage and scrap.
TriboForm Analyzer は、摩擦および潤滑条件を効率的にシミュレーション、表示、評価できるスタンドアロン・ソフトウェアです。本製品には、プレス成形業界において使用頻度の高い薄板材や金型材、そして潤滑に関する一般的なトライボロジのデータ一式を備えたTriboFormライブラリがあります。また結果はTriboForm FEM Plug-Inにて、ダイレクトにエクスポートできます。
TriboForm FEM Plug-Inを使うことで、TriboFormの結果を、一般的なFEMシミュレーション・ソフトウェアへ統合することができます。このプラグインを通じて、AutoForm、Pam-Stamp、LS-Dynaなどの代表的なプレス成形シミュレーション・ソフトウェアへ、トライボロジを一本化します。
In recent years, tribology has become increasingly important in the field of sheet metal forming. In this area, tribology is applied to take into account the effects of motion as well as the interaction between sheet material, lubricant and tool or coating material during the forming process. These tribological interactions influence the quality of the formed parts as well as the stability and efficiency of the production process.
The main challenge in developing software solutions in this field has been how to appropriately represent complex tribological phenomena through easy-to-use software. The most innovative software to deal with this issue is TriboForm’s software.
The TriboForm software allows the user to quickly simulate the effects of tool coatings, lubricants, material surface characteristics or new sheet materials on friction and ultimately on product quality. Through a more realistic consideration of tribological effects, a new level of simulation accuracy can be achieved. TriboForm’s products complement AutoForm’s product portfolio.
TriboForm Analyzer is a stand-alone software which enables users to efficiently simulate, visualize and evaluate friction and lubrication conditions. This product includes the TriboForm Library, which contains generic tribology data sets for the most commonly used sheet materials, tooling material and lubricants in the sheet metal forming industry. Users can directly export results for the TriboForm FEM Plug-In.
TriboForm FEM Plug-In enables the integration of TriboForm results into commercial FEM simulation software. With this plug-in, tribology is integrated in the most commonly used sheet metal forming simulation software, such as AutoForm, Pam-Stamp and LS-Dyna.